Every day around the world, hundreds of thousands of Class 8 semi-trucks fuel up and head down the highway at high speeds. In the absence of one simple, yet critical forged component, each semi-truck would be a careening, ticking time bomb. It is our steel forged custom Tee-Bolt that is securing that fuel tank onto the chassis of many of those semi-trucks. Leading Heavy Truck OEMs count on the quality and reliability of our Tee-Bolts to stubbornly secure their fuel tanks under immense strain, when metal fatigue and failure means disaster.
Our Custom Tee-Bolts can be forged, machined and threaded to meet your exact needs. Our in-house Tool & Die department and engineers allow for a seamless transition from design & tooling to forge. Many times we can supply your Custom Tee-Bolt without having to tool-up by simply starting with one of our many in-stock standard Tee-Bolt blanks, and then machining and threading to print. Our diverse supply capabilities and substantial in-house resources have made Green Bay Drop Forge the go-to supplier of forged Custom Tee-Bolts.
Contact us to get a quote or find out more information on how we can serve you.